इस चैनल पर रात 7 से 8 बजे का वक्त और रोमांचक हो जाएगा क्योंकि 23 अगस्त से हर सोमवार से शनिवार शाम 7 बजे और शाम 7ः30 बजे क्रमशः ‘रिश्तों का मांझा‘ और ‘मीत‘ का प्रीमियर होने जा रहा है !
Media Kesari (मीडिया केसरी)
मुंबई, 20 अगस्त 2021। ज़ी टीवी पिछले तीन दशकों से ज्यादा समय से टेलीविजन कार्यक्रमों को नए रंग रूप में ढालने में सबसे आगे रहा है। इस चैनल ने दर्शकों को अपने-से लगने वाले ऐसे किरदार दिखाए, जो देश में सबसे ज्यादा पसंद किए जाने वाले डिनर टेबल साथी बन गए। इसने हमेशा ऐसे विषयों को छुआ, जो दर्शकों के दिलों में बस गए, और अब एक बार फिर यह चैनल दो ऐसी प्रेरणादायक कहानियां लेकर आ रहा है, जो दर्शकों को एक नए नजरिए से जिंदगी दिखाएंगी। टेंट सिनेमा के निर्माण में बना रिश्तों का मांझा अपनी महत्वाकांक्षी और कभी हार ना मानने वाली उत्साही नायिका दीया के जरिए सकारात्मकता का नया जोश जगाएगा, वहीं अगला शो मीत, जिसका निर्माण शशि सुमीत प्रोडक्शंस ने किया है, हर भारतीय परिवार में तय की गईं लड़के-लड़कों की अलग-अलग भूमिकाओं पर कुछ मौजूदा सवाल उठाएगा और लिंग भेद के खिलाफ एक मजबूत जमीन तैयार करेगा। दोनों शोज़ का प्रीमियर 23 अगस्त को होने जा रहा है और इसका प्रसारण हर सोमवार से शनिवार क्रमशः शाम 7 बजे और शाम 7ः30 बजे किया जाएगा।

ज़ी टीवी की बिजनेस हेड अपर्णा भोसले ने कहा, ‘‘हम शाम 7 से 8 बजे के स्लॉट में दर्शकों के लिए दोगुना उत्साह लेकर आ रहे हैं, जिसमें दो नई कहानियां होंगी, जो ना सिर्फ उनका मनोरंजन करेंगी बल्कि उन्हें प्रेरणा देंगी और उनमें सकारात्मकता भी जगाएंगी। जहां ‘रिश्तों का मांझा‘ आशावाद की शक्ति और उम्मीद की रोशनी के बारे में बात करता है, जो कि आज के माहौल में सबसे जरूरी है, वहीं ‘मीत‘ आपको एक ऐसा उत्साही किरदार दिखाएगा, जो लिंगभेद से जुड़ी रूढ़िवादी सोच को तोड़ेगा और यह साबित करेगा कि आज की लड़की घर और बाहर की जिम्मेदारियां संभालने में समान रूप से सक्षम है। हमें उस पल का इंतजार है, जब हमारे दर्शकों को ज़ी कुटुंब में आए इन नए सदस्यों से प्यार हो जाएगा।‘‘

मीत की कहानी को लेकर निर्माता शशि और सुमीत मित्तल ने कहा, ‘‘कुछ शोज़ ऐसे होते हैं, जो दर्शकों का मनोरंजन करते हैं और कुछ उन्हें जिंदगी के बारे में सोचने, अपनी विचारधारा पर सवाल उठाने और वक्त के साथ एक सकारात्मक बदलाव की उम्मीद करने पर मजबूर कर देते हैं। हमारे लिए मीत ऐसी ही असाधारण कहानी है, जो ना सिर्फ अपने दिलचस्प प्लॉट से दर्शकों के दिलों को छू लेगी, बल्कि उन्हें अपने भीतर झांकने पर भी मजबूर कर देगी। हमारी प्रमुख नायिका एक हरियाणवी लड़की है, जो मानती है कि घर की जिम्मेदारियां निभाने की बात हो, तो इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ना चाहिए कि इसे निभाने वाला एक लड़का है या लड़की। वो एक डिलीवरी एजेंट है और घर के साथ-साथ पड़ोसियों की भी हर समस्या का तोड़ उसके पास है। वो अपना परिवार भी चलाती है और हर तरह से अपने घर की चिराग है, जिसे ज्यादातर लोग लड़कों का काम मानते हैं। उसके उदाहरण के साथ, हमें उम्मीद है कि ज्यादा से ज्यादा परिवार अपने परिवार की महिलाओं को भी घर और बाहर की जिम्मेदारियां निभाने के लिए पूरी तरह सक्षम मानेंगे।‘‘
रिश्तों का मांझा की अनोखी कहानी को लेकर टेंट सिनेमा के सुसंता दास ने कहा, ‘‘रिश्तांे का मांझा के साथ हम दो ऐसे लोगों की कहानी दिखाना चाहते हैं, जो जिंदगी, उम्मीदों और अरमानों को लेकर बिल्कुल अलग-अलग सोच रखते हैं। हम सभी अपनी-अपनी जिंदगी में ऐसे दौर से गुजरते हैं, जहां सबकुछ अच्छा नहीं होता है। ऐसे मोड़ पर जहां कुछ लोग हताश होकर हार मान लेते हैं, वहीं कुछ ऐसे होते हैं जो उम्मीद की एक किरण ढूंढ ही लेते हैं। और हम सभी को जिंदगी में ऐसी ही उम्मीद की किरण की जरूरत होती है, जो हमें राह दिखाए और हमें हमारी मुश्किलों से बाहर निकाले। हमारा शो हमारी लीड नायिका दीया का सफर दिखाता है, जो अपनी सकारात्मकता के साथ अर्जुन की जिंदगी की पथ प्रदर्शक बन जाएगी और उसे यह एहसास दिलाएगी कि यदि जिंदगी बैडमिंटन जितनी निष्पक्ष ना भी हो, जिसके वो दोनों खिलाड़ी हैं, तो भी हर मुश्किल का एक हल जरूर होता है और यदि सबकुछ अच्छा ना हो तो यह अंत नहीं कहलाता। हमें उम्मीद है कि यह शो देखने के बाद बहुत-से अर्जुनों को अपनी जिंदगी में बहुत-सी दीयाएं मिलेंगी।‘‘

जहां दीया अर्जुन के दिल में आस का दिया जलाकर उसे उम्मीद और सकारात्मकता की राह दिखाएगी, वहीं मीत लिंगभेद को लेकर समाज की सोच को चुनौती देगी!
मीत और दीया के सफर को देखने के लिए ट्यून इन कीजिए ‘रिश्तों का मांझा‘ और ‘मीत‘, शुरू हो रहा है 23 अगस्त से, क्रमशः शाम 7 बजे और शाम 7.30 बजे, सिर्फ ज़ी टीवी पर।
News in English
From shattering gender stereotypes to reinforcing a spirit of optimism, Zee TV’s upcoming shows to make viewers look at life through a fresh lens
~ The 7-8 PM band gets more exciting as ‘Rishton Ka Manjha’ and ‘Meet’ are set to premiere at 7 and 7:30 PM respectively and air every Mon- Sat, starting 23rd August ~
Media kesari
Mumbai, 20th August 2021: Zee TV has been a trend-setter in shaping television content over the past three decades. After introducing audiences to several relatable characters who have emerged as the country's most sought-after dinner-table companions and having touched upon a range of subjects close to the hearts of Indian audiences, the channel is all set to introduce two inspiring narratives that are bound to make viewers look at life from a fresh perspective. While Rishton ka Manjha, produced by Tent Cinema, will instil a fresh burst of positivity via its optimistic lead protagonist with a ‘never say die’ attitude – Diya, the next show Meet, produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions, is all set to raise pertinent questions about the roles set aside for the sexes in every Indian household and build a strong case against gender discrimination. The two shows are set to premiere on 23rd August and slated to air every Monday to Saturday, at 7 pm and 7.30 pm respectively.

Stirring optimism amongst viewers, Rishton Ka Manjha will explore the intense love story of Diya and Arjun who, despite being players of the same sport, share very contrasting outlooks towards life. Based in Kolkata, the show revolves around Diya, (played by Aanchal Goswami) - a bright and chirpy middle-class Bengali girl who hopes to build a meaningful life for herself and support her middle-class family. No matter what curveball comes her way, she stays afloat saying “Kuch toh tod nikaal hi lenge”. On the other hand, Arjun, essayed by Krushal Ahuja, is a former Badminton champ who comes from an affluent Marwari business family. He has given up on life after a scandal jeopardizes his career and even his near and dear ones don’t support him through his most testing times! How Diya shines the light of optimism and reinforces Arjun’s belief in her philosophy – “If all isn’t well, it isn’t the end” will form the crux of the show.
At 7:30 PM, Zee TV is all set to introduce viewers to the journey of a spirited young girl from Haryana - Meet who, contrary to popular perception that only a son can be a ghar ka chiraag, is the ghar 'ki' chirag for her family. Not only is she the sole breadwinner for her family taking full responsibility of everything around the house, but she also breaks the societal rule books of gender roles by serving as a delivery agent and generally being the 'fixer' in any and every situation that a guy is typically expected to be! She's not a rebel, it's just that her authentic approach towards life doesn’t include investing undue time and energy in her personal grooming only to fit her family's ideals of a ‘suitable girl’. Instead, she believes in getting her hands dirty and getting the job done! She often quips in her Haryanvi andaaz, "Jimmedari ko ke pata use nibhane wala chhora hai ke chori". While television actress Ashi Singh will take on a unique avatar to play the title role of Meet, the handsome heartthrob Shagun Pandey will be seen playing the male lead, who coincidentally is also named Meet in the show.
Zee TV Business Head Aparna Bhosle said, “Our 7 to 8 PM slot now packs in twice the excitement for our viewers with two new stories that will not only entertain but inspire and spread positivity amongst our viewers. While Rishton Ka Manjha talks of the power of optimism and never losing sight of the light at the end of the tunnel - an extremely relevant message in the current context, Meet brings you a spirited protagonist who will shatter gender stereotypes and prove that a girl, today, is as adept, if not more, at juggling responsibilities both within and outside the house. We look forward to our audiences falling in love with these new members of the Zee TV kutumb."
Commenting on Meet’s premise, producers Shashi and Sumeet Mittal said, “While there are certain shows that entertain audiences, there are some that manage to make them sit up and think about life, question their mindsets and hope to bring about a positive change over a period of time. Meet, for us, is that exceptional story, that will not only touch people’s hearts with its engaging narrative but also get them to introspect. Our lead protagonist is a Haryanvi girl who believes that when it comes to responsibilities of a house, it shouldn’t matter if it is a man or a woman fulfilling them. A delivery agent, a fixer for every little problem around the house or even her neighbors, a provider for her family, she is every bit the ghar ka chirag that people typically consider the son of the house. Through her example, we hope more and more families begin to view the women in their house as completely capable of juggling responsibilities both inside and outside the house.”
Thrilled to step into the shoes of an unconventional character, Ashi Singh who will portray the title role of Meet said, “I sincerely believe that Meet, as a show as well as a character, addresses a very pertinent subject for society to dwell upon. If it touches the hearts of our audiences and even a few families realize the importance of gender equality and rethink their views on what’s a male prerogative and a female prerogative and how even the girl child of their house can very well be the ghar ka chirag, we would have truly made a difference! I am very excited to explore this character’s journey because I feel as an actor, it holds a lot of potential for me to grow and I look forward to lots of love and support coming in from the viewers.”
Shagun Pandey who will play the lead opposite Meet said, “As a show, Meet is a concept that holds the potential to break archaic patterns of our society when it comes to gendered division of responsibilities. I am personally honored to be a part of such a show. Moreover, I am also thrilled to return for yet another project with Zee TV and truly hope that all the viewers and my fans will support me and my team in this new journey.”
Talking about Rishton Ka Manjha’s unique plot, Susanta Das from Tent Cinema said “With Rishton Ka Manjha, the idea is to bring forth a narrative about two people who’re at the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to life, hope and optimism. Many of us go through phases of life when it doesn’t feel fair – while some of us throw up their hands in despair, there are some of us who have the knack of spotting that silver lining. And all of us need someone of the latter kind to shine the light and show us the way, pulling us out of our gloom. Our show captures the journey of our lead protagonist Diya, who with her positivity will become an anchor in the life of Arjun and make him realize how even if life isn’t as fair as Badminton, the sport they both play, there is always a solution for every problem and if all isn’t well, it isn’t the end. We hope many more Arjuns find the Diyas of their life after seeing the show!”
Ecstatic at making her debut as a lead with Rishton Ka Manjha, Aanchal Goswami who will play the role of Diya said, “I am truly privileged to be playing such an important role – Diya is a middle class Bengali girl whose core belief in life is kuch toh tod nikaal hi lenge … Her optimism ensures that she never gives up no matter how insurmountable the problem ahead of her is. The change she is able to bring in the hero Arjun’s life and his approach will touch everyone’s heart. As a person, I am instinctively very positive about everything in life just like Diya and hence portraying her journey feels like an effortless task. I am truly excited to see audience reactions to our show.”
Talking about making his Hindi television debut with Rishton Ka Manjha, Krushal Ahuja who plays the character of Arjun said, “Frankly, I believe I couldn’t have got a better character to commence my journey on Hindi Television because Arjun is starkly different from all the roles that I have essayed so far. His transition from the intense brooding character he is at the beginning to the change Diya brings about in his thinking is a very interesting graph. Moreover, shooting for this show in my hometown, Kolkata is truly like a cherry on the cake. The Bengali audience and my fans have always supported my performance and I hope to win the hearts of people and Hindi TV enthusiasts across India as well now.”
While Diya is all set to shine her torch and show Arjun the way back to hope and positivity, Meet is geared to challenge the gender stereotypes set by society.
To watch Meet and Diya’s journey, tune in to Rishton Ka Manjha and Meet, every Monday to Saturday starting 23rd August, at 7 pm and 7.30 pm respectively, only on Zee TV